The Pilgrims

The MS Oldenburg arriving at the Jetty on Lundy Island

The ship does not only bring the Islands supplies but also brings people who wish to visit Lundy. The type of ship, the sea and the weather can contribute to a challenging crossing. On top of this many people have travelled long distances even before they get to the departure port. This is itself a pilgrimage. Gablik(1991) refers to a Pilgrimage ‘you have to make your way, at some effort, to a special place, in order to have the experience’ The visitors, especially those who continue to come to Lundy year on year, month on month endure the crossing to reach Lundy, which they might consider their spiritual home.

One Autumn day, I sat watching the boat arrive at the Jetty, I penned a few observational notes, what follows is the result.

MS Oldenburg,
230 passengers,
Luggage, supplies and mail.
I watch, from my little sheltered spot
I question and wonder….who will be the first off?
With, The beach road ahead,
It’s a challenging climb
and one they might dread
passing me by, on steps by the track
An old fishing place,
rocky ruins of a shack
With the sun on my face, 
I settle back and lie
Receiving cheery Hello’s,
from passer bye 
Wrapped in scarves and hats,
It must have been cold at sea
These clothes they will shed,
When for the hill they head
A family with a picnic,
they are in for a trek
A birder dressed in green,
binoculars round his neck
A smiling lady, for a few days away
Alone in a cottage, away from the fray
Families with teenagers,
dragging their heels 
Searching for 3G,
oblivious of the seals
A young couple,baby on their back,
jackets off,
they are ready for the very steep track
Here comes a camper, carrying his own tent 
Sleeping in a field, will cut down his rent 
A grey haired couple, holding hands 
Recounting their last visit, to this granite land
Next comes the land rover,
Hugging the edge of the rock
People startle and scurry,
they will need to move over 
A man with Tilly hat,  walking boots and big socks
Trousers swishing as
as he walks between the rocks
A rainbow of waterproofs,
Students ready for research,
excited now there is wifi at church
A case on wheels rumbles on up,
creating a noise on its way to the top
the steep climb, will result in lots of stops. 
Just then a lady shouts ‘Hello Jane’, fancy seeing you 
A lady from Barnstaple, ah someone I knew

Jane Sharkey


Gablik, S., (1991). The reenchantment of art. Thames and Hudson.






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