Wild Weaving Blair Witch

One of my weavings featured in Wild weaving is on the Beach Road. It is situated in the trees, just as you turn the bend into the sheltered Millcombe Valley. This weaving was woven at the end of 2022 and has now been there for nearly 8 months, it is still completely intact.

This has far surpassed the time frame i expected, especially as it is open to all the elements of the weather, especially Lundy’s Easterly Winds. There was also a chance of extraction by human intervention.

When talking to a Lundy visitor, they suggested that the weavings had a feeling of Blair Witch about them. So I watched the movie for the first time and as a result decided to venture down to see what they looked like under the veil of darkness.

On a sunny day, you would see through the weaving into a blue sky, maybe some boats and possibly, given the right weather, the Devon mainland. In darkness you see a backdrop of blackness. Anything could be out there!!!

The blackness creates a canvas, albeit the tree looks dead, this is just normal Lundy weathering and lack of rain. The arches in the branches offer up a human shape; an arm held high Lundy’s lichen’s covering parts of the skin like a disease.

I do agree with the Lundy visitor in that it does have similarities to Blair Witch. This link to witchcraft may come from the fact that weaving and spinning were a craft linked to women and the term ‘weave a spell’ has links to witchcraft. Interestingly The Pendle witches came from Lancashire a county synonymous with weavers and the Witches of Salem, came from a lace weaving town.



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