A sense of touch

On one of the hottest days of the year I decided to walk to the west coast of the island. My aim of the walk was to find a greater connection with the land. When I reached Parrot rock, I decided that taking my shoes and socks off, would give me a greater sense of connection. As I revealed my white feet to the elements, they suddenly relaxed, my toes spread and my my feet felt they could breathe.

I walked through the Yarrow, that is so prolific on the island. Although it felt a little rough to walk on, as I trod I broke the leaves and released a wonderful herbaceous smell.

I continued my walk in Earthquake, where some of the grass felt damp underfoot. On a hot day, this was a surprise to the senses and something I wouldn’t have known if I’d had my shoes on.

Some of the grassy was springy underfoot, especially where it had not been pressed down by human or animal. Where it had been trodden, it felt more solid, more earth like. Where there was bracken it felt crisp underfoot.

Lundy is a granite rock and where there was exposed granite it just felt super solid and my feet molded to the shape of the rocks. However where the granite had been broken up it was sharp and uncomfortable.

Granite and Heather

As I headed back to the plateau, I could not avoid goat and sheep poo, but on this hot day it was fortunately dry! The heather, that is so plentiful at this time of year, felt springy but coarse and the tiny bits of bracken got stuck between my toes. Without the trainers on my feet i felt light.

However this sense of freedom and relaxation came to an end as I approached the wild Lundy ponies who were grazing on the path. They have been known to nibble, so I thought that If they did give chase, I might run better with my trainers on! So I popped on my shoes and headed home, suddenly aware of the callous on the bottom of my foot which hadn’t bothered me when I was barefoot.

The experience of having a connection through to the earth by being barefoot, was definitely one that heightened the sense of touch and a connection with the island.



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