Category: pilgrimage

  • Unframed Landscapes

    Unframed Landscapes

    I was recommended a text in my tutorial titled “Unframed Landscapes” by Maja, N. A., and Fowkes, R., (no date) I found this article pertinent to my work as it talks about the potential for the landscape genre to represent inner experience’ and that ‘when admiring a natural landscape, we apply the same aesthetic conventions…

  • Birds in the wood

    Birds in the wood

    On a visit to Chapel Woods I wanted to reflect that the Wood is an RSPB site. As young ornithologist in my early years, I had a keen interest in bird watching, but this was not something that I pursued as young adult. This walk was a bid to try and activate my sense of…

  • Finger Labyrinth

    finger labyrinth coaster

  • Forest Bathing

    Forest Bathing

    I have been interested in the art of forest bathing for a while, Forest bathing known as Shinrin Yoku, is a Japanese practice which is a process of relaxation; being calm and quiet amongst the trees, observing nature around you whilst breathing deeply. As my research encompasses the potential of the landscape to represent the inner…

  • Lundy labyrinth

    Lundy labyrinth

    My interest in Labyrinths started when I set out on a pilgrimage from Wells to Glastonbury, with the set intention for the journey as Hope. The setting of an intention is the essence to both walking pilgrimage and labyrinths. Hope was in response to the fact that I was walking the pilgrimage in the summer…

  • A line of Granite

    A line of Granite

    A line of granite

  • Lundy: a Pigrimage

    Lundy: a Pigrimage

    The road to a Lundy pilgrimage