Tag: lundy

  • A writing retreat and a bit of hygge

    A writing retreat and a bit of hygge

    Felix Gade Hut is situated on the East Side of Lundy Island and was the Time Check office for the Quarry workers in 1863. Courtesy of the Boys Brigade (a group of men who visit Lundy each year) there is now a bench running around the circumference of the hut. This creates a seating area…

  • The Pilgrims

    The Pilgrims

    The ship does not only bring the Islands supplies but also brings people who wish to visit Lundy. The type of ship, the sea and the weather can contribute to a challenging crossing. On top of this many people have travelled long distances even before they get to the departure port. This is itself a…

  • Lundy labyrinth

    Lundy labyrinth

    My interest in Labyrinths started when I set out on a pilgrimage from Wells to Glastonbury, with the set intention for the journey as Hope. The setting of an intention is the essence to both walking pilgrimage and labyrinths. Hope was in response to the fact that I was walking the pilgrimage in the summer…

  • Heinkels : lost and forgotten

    Heinkels : lost and forgotten

    A journey between the two Henkels on Lundy Island

  • Vanishing Stones

    Vanishing Stones

    I have been reading and listening to conversations with land artists such as Richard Long and Hamish Fulton, both are walking artists who create art in the landscape. I felt that I needed the tacit knowledge to explore first hand, the phenomenological experience of creating art, being in the landscape. Thinking about space and place,…

  • A line of Granite

    A line of Granite

    A line of granite