Category: pilgrimage

  • Lundy Pilgrimage: Your Complete Guide and Pilgrim Passport

    Lundy Pilgrimage: Your Complete Guide and Pilgrim Passport

    It is Lundy’s quietness and remoteness that make it idea for a Pilgrimage. You can either travel over for the day or stay for a few days. Which ever you chose make sure you read this little book before you go. The book also serves as a Passport for the special stamp you can get…

  • Lundy walking scores

    Lundy walking scores

    As part of my MA in Fine Art, I’m delving into the sensory connections we form with places through the simple act of walking. This project, in particular, revolves around the concept of following “scores” – participatory instructions designed to offer fresh perspectives on engaging with Lundy. Even if you’re a regular visitor to Lundy,…

  • Granite Track

    Granite Track

    One sligtly foggy and soggy day, of which Lundy has quite a few, I chose to walk from the village to the North End. A journey of just over 2 miles representing 3/4 of the length of the Island. This was not one of my usual wanderings off the beaten track, but a defined route…

  • Sacred Ground, Lundy

    Sacred Ground, Lundy

    Situated next to the Old Light is Beacon Hill cemetery, the graveyard sits atop the remains of an Iron Age settlement. At the centre of the cemetery is a chamber thought to be that of an early Christian saint whilst against the west wall are four inscribed grave markers dating from 5th to 7th centuries…

  • A sense of touch

    A sense of touch

    A sense of touch

  • A writing retreat and a bit of hygge

    A writing retreat and a bit of hygge

    Felix Gade Hut is situated on the East Side of Lundy Island and was the Time Check office for the Quarry workers in 1863. Courtesy of the Boys Brigade (a group of men who visit Lundy each year) there is now a bench running around the circumference of the hut. This creates a seating area…

  • The Pilgrims

    The Pilgrims

    The ship does not only bring the Islands supplies but also brings people who wish to visit Lundy. The type of ship, the sea and the weather can contribute to a challenging crossing. On top of this many people have travelled long distances even before they get to the departure port. This is itself a…

  • Holy Wells

    Devon has over 300 Holy Wells and Springs. According to the website “A holy well, or sacred spring, is a small body of water emerging from underground and revered either in a Pagan or Christian context, often both. Holy wells were frequently pagan sacred sites that later became Christianized. The term ‘holy well’ is…

  • The granite quarries

    The granite quarries

    My travels often take me to Lundy, I like many others are drawn to this granite rock in the middle of the Bristol Channel. On my latest visit it was the quarries on the east side of the Island that were my intended destination for a walk. This desire to engage with the quarry was…

  • The Narcissistic Daffodil

    The Narcissistic Daffodil

    In March whilst still in lockdown, I took a back door pilgrimage. The walk I had planned started from my doorstep and its purpose was to link two sites of religious significance. St Anne Chapel and St Brannocks Church. My mini pilgrimage started at St Annes Chapel in Saunton. My intention for this mini pilgrimage…