Category: Walking artist

  • Lundy Pilgrimage: Your Complete Guide and Pilgrim Passport

    Lundy Pilgrimage: Your Complete Guide and Pilgrim Passport

    It is Lundy’s quietness and remoteness that make it idea for a Pilgrimage. You can either travel over for the day or stay for a few days. Which ever you chose make sure you read this little book before you go. The book also serves as a Passport for the special stamp you can get…

  • Pocket drawings – Lundy visitors

    I invited visitors to embark on their own walking journey with a pencil and paper tucked into their pockets. As they wandered the island, the movements of their body guided the pencil, creating a set of marks representing their journey. The drawings create a set of responses to walks where although the mind is attuned…

  • Lundy walking scores

    Lundy walking scores

    As part of my MA in Fine Art, I’m delving into the sensory connections we form with places through the simple act of walking. This project, in particular, revolves around the concept of following “scores” – participatory instructions designed to offer fresh perspectives on engaging with Lundy. Even if you’re a regular visitor to Lundy,…

  • Exploring Phenomenological Drawing

    Exploring Phenomenological Drawing

    Lundy Walking – Jane Sharkey Exploring Phenomenological Drawing: A Walk with William Anastasi Whilst researching Artistic Walking pracrtive, I found myself drawn to the work of William Anastasi, particularly his intriguing pocket drawing method. Anastasi’s approach, as mentioned in Mueller (2023), offers a unique way of engaging and connecting with landscape. Embarking on my own…

  • Granite Track

    Granite Track

    One sligtly foggy and soggy day, of which Lundy has quite a few, I chose to walk from the village to the North End. A journey of just over 2 miles representing 3/4 of the length of the Island. This was not one of my usual wanderings off the beaten track, but a defined route…

  • PostSense


    Introduction Post Sense, is a personal project ignited by an interest in Mail Art and represents part of my MA Fine Art research, which explores how we can become more emobodied in landscape through our senses, as a way of discovering a greater sense of connection. Mail Art was a popular art movement which centered…

  • Sacred Ground, Lundy

    Sacred Ground, Lundy

    Situated next to the Old Light is Beacon Hill cemetery, the graveyard sits atop the remains of an Iron Age settlement. At the centre of the cemetery is a chamber thought to be that of an early Christian saint whilst against the west wall are four inscribed grave markers dating from 5th to 7th centuries…

  • A sense of touch

    A sense of touch

    A sense of touch

  • Weaving back the landscape

    Weaving back the landscape

    The commercial potential of Lundy was not considered until 1838 when William Hudson Heaven, the owner of the Island needed money and began to explore the possibility of exporting the stone for building works. Heaven leased the East side area to the Lundy Granite Company, who began a 5 year programme of granite extraction, changing…

  • Wild Weaving Blair Witch

    One of my weavings featured in Wild weaving is on the Beach Road. It is situated in the trees, just as you turn the bend into the sheltered Millcombe Valley. This weaving was woven at the end of 2022 and has now been there for nearly 8 months, it is still completely intact. This has…