
Embodied Landscapes

Using Nature and the environment to lead my creative practice

Walking amongst Stones

A participatory walk to discover the standing stones of Lundy. I chose Beltane to do the walk, as this is a pagan festival half way between the Spring and Summer equinox. The walk…

Pocket drawings – Lundy visitors

I invited visitors to embark on their own walking journey with a pencil and paper tucked into their pockets. As they wandered the island, the movements of their body guided the pencil, creating…

Lundy walking scores

As part of my MA in Fine Art, I’m delving into the sensory connections we form with places through the simple act of walking. This project, in particular, revolves around the concept of…

Exploring Phenomenological Drawing

Lundy Walking – Jane Sharkey Exploring Phenomenological Drawing: A Walk with William Anastasi Whilst researching Artistic Walking pracrtive, I found myself drawn to the work of William Anastasi, particularly his intriguing pocket drawing…

Granite Track

One sligtly foggy and soggy day, of which Lundy has quite a few, I chose to walk from the village to the North End. A journey of just over 2 miles representing 3/4…


Introduction Post Sense, is a personal project ignited by an interest in Mail Art and represents part of my MA Fine Art research, which explores how we can become more emobodied in landscape…

The carvings of Bensons Cave

Down below the Castle, which was built by Henry III, two paths merge, and there you find Bensons Cave. It is believed this cave is about the same age as the Castle. It…

Sacred Ground, Lundy

Situated next to the Old Light is Beacon Hill cemetery, the graveyard sits atop the remains of an Iron Age settlement. At the centre of the cemetery is a chamber thought to be…

Jenny’s cove, Lundy

Jenny’s Cove is a well known spot on Lundy, but most people only experience it from the top of the island on foot. My first trip around to Jenny’s cove was on a…

Lundy Art Trail

August saw the first ever Lundy Art Trail. The original date had to be cancelled and a rescheduled date, meant a slight change to the artist group. All were excited and some had…

Weaving back the landscape

The commercial potential of Lundy was not considered until 1838 when William Hudson Heaven, the owner of the Island needed money and began to explore the possibility of exporting the stone for building…


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